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1. 引言


2. 木兰林管局

2.1 现状








3. 与其他林业企业的对比

3.1 与其他中国林业企业的对比


3.2 与德国林业企业的对比

德国在遭受了几个世纪的严重的森林破坏之后,重建了高生产力的森林。300年前,卡洛维茨(von Carlowitz)提出了林业可持续性的理念,然后在一个世纪之后,德国制定了森林法来迫使森林所有者开展可持续林业实践。由此,森林面积得以增加,森林生产力得以提高。直到今天,在过去几十年里,德国森林的生长量超过了其采伐量。因此,总蓄积量和树龄都有所增加。如今,德国森林覆盖率约为33%,林木生长量约每公顷12立方米,平均每公顷蓄积量达到了320立方米,平均树龄为77年。林区基础设施包括道路和集材设施都得到了很好的发展。由于高工资的刺激,各个领域的工作效率都大幅提升。当前,大部分森林活动都实现了高度的机械化。在德国,1立方米中等质量木材的市场价格,相当于林业工人2个小时工作的薪酬,而在中国却相当于林业工人近50个小时工作的薪酬。德国大约一半的森林为私人所有,这些私有林通常由一个家庭所拥有并世代相传。森林所有者通常致力于实现森林长期可持续的价值,而不是短期利润。(吴水荣 译)

Mulan Forestry Enterprise - a pioneer in Chinese multipurpose forest management

by Prof. Heinrich Spiecker, Germany

1. Introduction

China‘s fast growing economy requires additional resources. Renewable resources such as wood are of special relevance for sustainable economic growth. Furthermore environmental services as well as the recreational value of forests gain importance. The huge demand of the Chinese wood consumers, as well as the booming export oriented wood based industry and at the same time the increase in protected forest area results in a severe shortage of wood. Today, China is the largest importer of industrial roundwood and sawn timber. Highly productive and healthy forests are needed which provide not only wood and non wood forest products but as well urgently needed environmental services such as soil protection, water quality, biodiversity and carbon sequestration. Mulan forestry enterprise is putting high effort on providing these goods and services.

2. Mulan Forest

2.1 Current Situation

Mulan Forestry Enterprise is facing huge changes. In the past forest establishment was emphasized. Tree species such as larch and pine were planted on a larger scale besides growing aspen, elm, oak and other tree species. Most of the forests are quite young and forests seldom reach an age older than 40 years. Because of the young age the growing stock is still rather low. Knowledge about the forest productivity and its future growth potential is limited. However, the staff is enhancing its management skills and has increased its knowledge about forest management substantially and applied it in the field. The enterprise has a diversified income as for example from nurseries, selling ornamental trees to cities, and has as well some income from selling wood. Improving long-term sustainable forest management is emphasized.

The results of improved forest management are already visible. Most forests are adequately thinned, valuable trees are ed and marked properly, they are often pruned in an early stage, and they were continuously released from competitors. Innovative technology is employed and experiences from other ies are adapted and utilized whenever appropriate. 

The director and his team are aware that there are still many opportunities for improvement. Species ion, species mixture, early tending and thinning and longer production cycles are key elements of improved forestry. Some forests need to be converted into more site adapted forests. Management needs to be adjusted to multiple future needs and management intensity has to be adapted accordingly. The conflict with domesticated animals such as cows and sometimes goats destroying valuable regeneration of indigenous tree species need to be solved.  Long-term management planning is going to be implemented by employing adequate technology. Improving the infrastructure in the fragmented landscape is identified as important for improving efficiency.

2.2 Future Perspective

The Mulan Forestry Enterprise has high potential to serve as an example of best practice forestry. Substantial improvements of forest management have already been achieved. The management emphasizes  long-term aims. For this purpose tools for long-term management planning have to be employed. Mulan Forestry enterprise is aiming for multipurpose forestry combining ecological goals with economic and social goals, and providing various goods and services. Forests should improve the overall ecological conditions and at the same time contribute to sustainable rural development, providing employment and prosperity and fulfill societal needs by stressing cultural and recreational values. A new highway is connecting the enterprise with Beijing making recreational values more relevant. In addition the improved infrastructure offers new opportunities for marketing forest products. In order to improve forestry sound forest inventories and a good understanding of natural processes are essential. Well documented demonstration plots may serve this purpose. In additions tools for predicting the future development of the forests such as yield tables or other growth models are urgently needed. Adequate software will support the planning, implementation and documentation. Long-term management should be based on appropriate strategic planning that takes into ac local ecological, economic, and social conditions and future needs of the people. Multipurpose forestry will be based on integrated planning on the watershed level. Forestry should aim for a high potential to adapt to changing conditions. In terms of operational forest management this means that forest productivity and health should be raised and the growing stock should be increased by at least 100 %. As a consequence the average tree age and wood quality will increase substantially while the regeneration area will decrease. To achieve these aims well designed planting, tending and thinning regimes are needed. Within the next years the wood volume of final cut followed by forest regeneration will be reduced while the wood harvested in thinnings will increase. Thinning will accelerate the diameter growth of individual trees while the total volume growth per ha will be little affected. Forests with undesired stocking have to be converted. Management should be strictly guided by the management aims in order to increase efficiency further. Even so salaries of workers have increased drastically in recent years they are still much lower as compared to European salaries. Therefore labor-intensive actions for improving forestry such as tending and pruning should be implemented now. The staff of Mulan Forestry enterprise is well aware of these challenges, it is motivated to continuous improvement of forest management by learning from own observations, experience from others and openness to new ideas. Education on all levels from the forest worker to the leading managers is emphasizing innovation, creativity and safety. Mulan Forest enterprise has the potential to be an example for best forest management practice.

3. Comparison with other forest enterprises

3.1 Comparison with other Forest Enterprises in China

Due to the high ecological diversity of China it is difficult to compare forest enterprises and their performance on a national level. However, the extremely high motivation of the Mulan forest enterprise staff and its openness to new ideas impressed me very much and I am confident that they will advance fast in finding best ways to manage their forests.

3.2 Comparison with Forest Enterprises in Germany

After severe forest devastation several centuries productive forests were re-established in Germany. 300 years ago von Carlowitz d the idea of sustainable forest management and one century later forest legislation forced forest owners to practice sustainable forestry. As a result forest area and forest productivity increased. Until today during many decades more wood was growing in German forests than was harvested. Therefore growing stock and tree age increased. Today forests cover almost 1/3 of the land surface, wood increment yields about 12 m2 per ha, the growing stock reaches in average 320 m3 per ha, and the average tree age is 77 years. The forest infrastructure including roads and skidding tracks are well developed. Work efficiency has increased substantially in all fields stimulated by the high salary. Today most forest operations are highly mechanized. For the market price of one m3 of medium quality wood in Germany 2 hours of a forest worker can be paid, while in China still almost 50 hours of work can be paid for the same amount of wood. About have of the forest area is privately owned. Private forests often are owned by one family for several generations. Typically forest owners are aiming for long-term sustainable value production and not for short –term profit.  (海因里希施皮克尔 德国弗莱堡大学森林生长研究所所长)